Centenas de conjuntos de equipamentos da indústria de mineração de XuGong são impulsionados para o sudeste da Ásia

Centenas de conjuntos de equipamentos da indústria de mineração de XuGong são impulsionados para o sudeste da Ásia

Devido às suas vantagens geográficas únicas, O Sudeste Asiático contém ricos recursos minerais, então também é o “deve competir” para a marca de máquinas de mineração.
Na maior mina de um país do Sudeste Asiático, marcas estrangeiras têm layout industrial há décadas. Mas agora, PC400 208-70-14152 dentes de balde this influential mine has owned nearly 100 Cartões de dobradiça Xugong, caminhões basculantes de mineração e escavadeiras de mineração, e as peças sobressalentes da escavadeira de mineração Xugong se tornaram as mais comuns “cenário” aqui.

Good planners do far, doer is successful. As early as 2015, Xugong Mining Excavator Spare Parts had already set its sights on this Red Sea. With sufficient market research and years of technological accumulation,EX100 track roller Mining Machinery successfully won the favor of the mine customers and created the first sale of complete sets of large mining equipment in the local market. By virtue of the advantages ofleading technology, excellent quality and high cost performance”, Xugong quickly gained a firm foothold. It has become a typical benchmarking project in the Southeast Asian regional market and entered the public’s vision.

Xugong Mining Excavator Spare Parts
Xugong Mining Excavator Spare Parts

As thehighest qualifiedequipment in the mining area, the 80-ton excavator has a attendance rate of more than 90%.
· The 300-ton mining excavator has thelargest tonnage”, and only three shovels can fill a 100-ton mining dump truck;
· Famous for itsflexibility” e “strong off-road performance”, the 40-ton Hinge card can be handled freely on muddy roads.
In addition to excellent product quality, service, spare parts and other aftermarket system construction, but also Xugong Mining Excavator Spare Parts in the local strong competitiveness.

Southeast Asian market plays an important role in the construction ofThe Belt and Road”. As a pioneer of high-end mining equipment in China,Hyundai R60 Track Link Xugong will work with local mining customers to jointly promote the connectivity, prosperity and development of the globalcircle of friends” de “the Belt and Roadand inject more powerfulsuper strengthinto the global economic vitality.