코마츠 굴삭기 하부 롤러의 마모를 확인하는 방법

트랙 롤러(왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로):CX210B,d85ss,zx370

코마츠 굴삭기 하부 롤러의 마모를 확인하는 방법

코마츠 굴착기는 대규모 엔지니어링 장비의 일반적인 모델입니다., 더 널리 사용됩니다, 일반적으로 토공 작업에 사용됩니다., 되메우기, 배수 및 기타 프로젝트. 하지만, 시간 사용의 증가와 함께, 굴삭기의 하부 롤러에도 마모가 나타납니다., 엔지니어링 장비 사용의 효율성에 심각한 영향을 미치는, 건설인력의 신변안전까지 위협하고 있습니다.. 그러므로, how to check the wear degree of the lower roller of Komatsu excavator has become a very critical task. Let’s learn about the specific inspection methods.

You need to park the Komatsu excavator stably, turn off the hydraulic system on the excavator and open the anti-lock device to ensure safety. 다음, use lifting equipment to lift the excavator tires off the ground so that they do not interfere with the inspection. Then, proceed first to inspect the excavator’s strut tire wall for visible damage, cracks, 등. If present, it should be replaced immediately. 다음, it is necessary to pay attention to check the wear of the surface of lower roller. 물론, choosing the right type and good quality lower roller is of great importance. Whether it’s a single or double flange, we supply the vast majority of roller models on the market. For example, for double flange, D85ss is available. For single flange, Cx210b is available. Also we supply different models of lower roller, like ZX330.

When checking the surface wear of the track roller, you should choose a toothed plug ruler, insert it into the gap of the lower roller, check and implement the wear one by one. If the wheel is heavily worn, the toothed plug gauge will fall easily into the wheel gap. If the wear is less severe, the toothed plug gauge will feel resistance in some locations and will need to be pushed in to check for wear. It should be noted that for some wheels with deeper crevices, special tools such as telescopic probes may be required to check for wear.

If the wear of the lower roller is found to be more severe, further repair or replacement will be required. 일반적으로, a lightly worn track roller will only require the replacement of the rotating tire surface, while more severe wear will require the replacement of the entire track roller unit.


결론적으로, inspection of Komatsu excavator lower roller wear is a very important task. Only through timely inspection, timely repair and replacement of excavator track roller wear parts, to ensure the normal operation of the excavator, to ensure the safety of the construction and construction work efficiency. 그러므로, all excavator users should attach great importance to this work, and regular inspection and maintenance.

track roller(left to right):CX210B,d85ss,zx370
트랙 롤러(왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로):CX210B,d85ss,zx370