Con quale frequenza devo effettuare la manutenzione del mio trattore?

filtro del trattore e rullo cingolo

Con quale frequenza devo effettuare la manutenzione del mio trattore?

Il vostro trattore è parte integrante delle vostre operazioni quotidiane, rendendo il suo mantenimento una responsabilità fondamentale. Mantenere il trattore in condizioni ottimali è essenziale non solo per evitare frustrazioni dovute a malfunzionamenti, ma anche per prevenire potenziali perdite finanziarie. La manutenzione regolare del trattore garantisce l'affidabilità della vostra attrezzatura, salvaguardando sia il vostro sostentamento che l’efficienza del vostro lavoro. Quindi ecco qualche consiglio per te.

Una manutenzione efficace del trattore inizia con un'attenta osservazione. If you notice any abnormal operation like oil leakage from filter or unfamiliar sounds from your tractor undercarriage parts, prompt action is necessary to address and resolve issues. We supply different types of oil filters like 1R0716 Filtro dell'olio. Also, we manufacture undercarriage parts like track roller Rullo cingolo R80-7, carrier roller and sprocket and etc. Always refer to your tractor’s manual as the primary resource for maintenance guidance, offering valuable tips and recommended service schedules.

In the absence of specific manual instructions, adhere to established tractor maintenance standards. It is recommended to change the oil at least every six months or after 600 hours of operation, regardless of usage intensity. For added precaution, check the oil level every 100 ore. Conduct weekly checks on tire pressure and inspect all fluids, such as radiator fluid, approximately every 50 ore. Ensure your brakes are shielded from moisture and replace filters every 100 hours to maintain peak performance.

With diligent care, your tractor can provide reliable service for an extended period. Tuttavia, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate replacement parts for brands like Hitachi, Hyundai and Volvo tractors and etc. Feiyueparts offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality parts at competitive prices. Unsure about the specific part you need? Contact our knowledgeable team for personalized assistance—we are dedicated to helping you maintain your equipment efficiently. We look forward to assisting you.

tractor filter and track roller
filter and track roller