Diagnosi dei guasti del gruppo regolatore cingoli dell'escavatore

Diagnosi dei guasti del gruppo regolatore cingoli dell'escavatore

Al fine di garantire che il gruppo di regolazione del cingolo dell'escavatore possa funzionare normalmente e ridurre il carico di impatto e il consumo energetico aggiuntivo durante la camminata, ogni binario è dotato di un dispositivo di tensionamento per mantenere il binario con un certo grado di serraggio. Il gruppo di regolazione del cingolo dell'escavatore deve realizzare il serraggio del cingolo con l'aiuto della ruota di guida. Tuttavia, se utilizzato per un certo tempo, the excavator’s tightening spring buffer device will also fail, thus affecting the normal work of the excavator.
1.Improper adjustment of the tightening buffer
When the tension is insufficient, the track will relax, and the SK230 track adjuster assy is easy to fall off when the sharp turn, and the buffer is insufficient, easy to increase the dynamic load between the parts; Excessive tightening will accelerate the wear of thefour-wheel belt”.

excavator track adjuster assy
excavator track adjuster assy

2. Damage to parts of the tightening buffer device
(1) Adjusting screw damage
The main defect of excavator track adjuster assy screw is that the thread is damaged and can not be adjusted; Screw bending causes the guide wheel to skew and run off.
(2)The buffer spring bends, decreases the elasticity and breaks
Excessive bending of the buffer spring will cause deviation, excessive reduction of the elastic force and fracture will reduce the buffer efficiency and easily damage the spring center tie rod.
(3) The center tie rod is broken
The break of the central tie rod is mainly caused by the sudden compression and relaxation of the excavator track adjuster assy when passing the obstacle, which causes the impact or tensile load of the tie rod.
(4) Damage to the hydraulic tightening device
The hydraulic tightening device is adopted, and the damage of the push rod, buffer PC300-7 track adjuster assy and center pull rod is the same as above. Other damage is: the cylinder and piston mating surface wear, especially the piston seal element damage, tightening grease into the low pressure chamber, select the tightening device failure. The track tightening device has many forms, and the hydraulic tightening device is widely used. The oil cylinder and plunger adjust the position of the guide wheel to achieve the tightening of the track.