Asista a la exposición de maquinaria de construcción en Xiamen

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Asista a la exposición de maquinaria de construcción en Xiamen

Asista a la exposición de maquinaria de construcción en Xiamen

We, FEIYUEpartes, participó en la maquinaria de construcción internacional de China Xiamen & Exposición de excavadoras de ruedas y Exposición internacional de repuestos para camiones pesados ​​de Xiamen del 18 al 20 de julio, 2024.

Xiamen, La provincia de Fujian es la zona económica especial de China, sino también el centro de envío internacional y el centro comercial del sudeste asiático.. Las excavadoras de ruedas fabricadas en la provincia de Fujian tienen un efecto de racimo, y las piezas del chasis de la maquinaria de construcción sobre orugas se venden en todo el mundo., and Quanzhou, Fujian Province is the “Global Undercarriage Parts Manufacturing Base” of construction machinery. Our trading company is established in Xiamen, Fujian Province, which have the advantages and strengths of the export trade, aiming to provide better products and services for our customers.

construction machinery exhibition in Xiamen
construction machinery exhibition in Xiamen

With the implementation of mutual visa-free entry policy between China and Malaysia, Tailandia, Singapore and other countries, Xiamen’s convenient air, land and sea routes helped the success of this exhibition. It will also quickly become the Southeast Asian construction machinery, heavy truck parts industry event. This exhibition mainly showed the construction machinery, wheeled excavators, mining vehicles, heavy truck parts, construction machinery parts, agricultural machinery parts, seals, lubricants and hardware bearings and other parts of the field. Our company is involved in excavator undercarriage parts and other fields.

Through this exhibition, our company has benefited from various companies in this industry.