طريقة إطالة عمر الأسطوانة الحاملة للحفارة

طريقة إطالة عمر الأسطوانة الحاملة للحفارة

يتمثل دور أسطوانة ناقل الحفار في الحفاظ على الحركة الخطية لسلسلة الجنزير. If the excavator upper roller is damaged, لن يتمكن الزاحف من الاستمرار في المشي بشكل مستقيم, التي لا بد أن تؤثر على كفاءة العمل. ما سبب تلف الأسطوانة الحاملة? كيفية تمديد وقت استخدام الأسطوانة العلوية, يجب الانتباه إلى جميع مستخدمي الحفارة لهذه النقاط.

1)تجنب نقع أسطوانة حامل الحفارة في الماء الموحل.

عادة ما تحتاج إلى الحفاظ على نظافة منصة X المائلة, don’t let soil and gravel accumulation too much, and block the rotation of the upper roller.

In winter, we must keep the excavator track roller dry, because there is a floating seal between the outer wheel and the shaft of the excavator track/bottom roller. If there is water, ice will be formed at night. When the excavator is moved, the floating seal for excavator will be scratched in contact with the ice, which result in oil leakage.

excavator carrier roller
excavator carrier roller

2)If the carrier roller is often damaged, it may be related to the habit of the excavator.

When the excavator walks forward, the drive motor is in front, the front idler is behind, the upper side of the track is tensioned, the bottom is relaxed, the upper roller is stressed, and walking in this habit for a long time, the excavator carrier roller will be more easily damaged; On the contrary, it can prolong the lifetime of the carrier roller.

Use the poor quality bolts or carrier roller can easily cause the upper roller to drop or damage. It is recommended to replace the use of good quality excavator carrier roller.

يلاحظ: The lubricating oil is injected in the carrier roller by once, if oil leakage, only can replace the new carrier roller.

Disassemble steps:

1)Remove the track, then remove the nuts and hex bolts for excavator/bulldozer supporting the fastening position.

2)Before replacing the new excavator carrier roller, rotate the upper roller by hand to check whether the rotation is smooth and whether the oil leaks.

Installation steps:

1)Install the hex socket bolts and align the nuts to the side of the excavator.

2)When assembling the roller, press into the shaft ring until it touches the support, and then install the shaft face countersink cone hole upward, and apply Bulotae glue #262 on the inner hexagon bolt, and then tighten.